Mystara Spells - Cantrip - Resistane

Description - A cantrip designed to help with saving throws.

Spells - Cantrip - Resistance

Mystara of the Five Spheres Spells

Cantrip - Resistance

  • Abjuration Cantrip (Nature, Protection)
  • Classes - Cleric, Druid, Paladin
  • Secret Crafts - Nature, Preserve, Protect
  • Casting time - 1 action
  • Range - Touch
  • Target - One Creature
  • Components - V, S, M (a miniature cloak)
  • Duration - Conentration (1 minute)
  • You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a expertise dice and add the number rolled to one saving throw of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the saving throw. The spell then ends for that target.
  • At Higher Class Tiers – Each tier gives you another target you can touch.

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